Monday, July 14, 2014

100 years ago: FrancoAmericans from Cohoes Who Served in World War 1

On July 28th 1914, World War I began when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia were assassinated in  Sarajevo.  The United States didn't participate until 1917 when it joined France, the British Empire, Italy, Russia and others in their efforts.  America recruited heavily in 1917 and Americans rallied to the cause including FrancoAmericans in Cohoes, New York.

Recently, I found a little gem of a book in the Internet Archive

From each Catholic parish in New England, New York, Illinois, Michigan, it lists the FrancoAmerican recruits who fought and those who died in World War I.

Here are the FrancoAmerican soldiers and sailors from Cohoes:

 and more

Alix, Alfred
Amyot, Will.
Archambault, J.-L.
Archambault, Jos.-L.
Archambault, Jos. -A.
Archambault, Tranc.-M.
Arsenault, Arthur
Aubrey, Dr, W.-J.-C.
Barard, Jos.
Bariteau, A.
Berthiaume, Arthur
Baulne, C. •
Béchard, E.-T.
Beaudreault, Jos.-R.
Beaupré, Léo
Beauregard, Joseph-A.
Beauséjour, Arthur
Béchard, A. -A.
Bélanger, Albert
Bélanger, Joseph -F.
Bélanger, Thomas-J.
Benjamin, O.-O.
Bernard, A.
Bernadin, Alcide
Berthiaume, T.
Bertrand, C.-A.
Bertrand, F,-L.
Bessette, A.-J.
Biette. H.
Bishop, B.-F.
Bishop, J.-H.
Bisonnette, G.
Biette, C.
Biais. G.-H.
Biais, R.-J.
Blanchard, L.-G,
Blanchard. J.-J.
Bleau, Jos.
Bouchard, R.-J.
Boudreau, J.-R.
Boudreau, Will.
Bouleri.s. H.
Benac, A. -A.
Brassard, Léo-J.
Brassard, Joseph
Brassard, M.-J.
Breault, Dr, A. -M.
Brier, Adph.
Brier, Jos.
Brisson, Jos.
Brouillet, .U.-E.
Brunet, A.-J.
Bruneau, \V.
Bertrand, E.
Boucher, J.-L. -G.
Biette, C.
Caron, Eug.
Chamberland, I.-J.
Champagne, Arthur
Champagne, Will .
Champous. Henri
Charbonneau, A.
Charbonneau, Ray.
Clairmont, Alf red _
Clairmont, Frédéric
Clairmont, Joseph
Clairmont, Jos.-J.
Clément, Eug.
Collette, Edw.
Colomb, A.-J.
Comeau, M,-L.
Comeau, Arthur
Courchaine, Louis-E.
Courchaine, Oscar
Cournoyer, Will.
Courtois, M.
Coutu. A. -T.
Coutu, E.-J.
Crapo, A. -G.
Crapo, Phil.
Corriveau, W.
Corbeil. I.
Daigneault, W.
Daigneault, Thonias-P.
Dalpé, H.
l'andurand, A.-L.
Daunais, Dr, J.-C.-E.
Delisle. Z.
Delude, E.
Desmarais, Tel.
Deno, J.-F.
Deno, Jos.-E.
Deno, Peter
Dérocher. John
Dérocher, Léo
Dérocher, Will.
Derosiers, Ed.
Dessaultels, Jos.
Dion, A. -A.
DeGruchy, Orner
Dozois, F.-J.
Ducharme, Georges-L.
Dupuis, A.-E.
Durant, A.-E.
Durivage, A.-F.
Durocher, F".-B.
Durocher, J.-B.
Durocher, L.-J.
Durocher, Léo-I.
Durocher, Raymond
Durocher, R.-G.
Dussault, A.
Dussault, V.-A.
Duval. Léo-P.
Duval, Alfred
Favreau, Léo-H.
Fero, A.-J.
Fontaine, Fred.
F'ontaine, L.-D.
Fontaine, M.-O.
Fontaine, Philippe
Fontaine, Will.
Fontaine, Jos.
Fortin, Eddy
Fortin, fico.-J.
F'ortin, Henry
Frament, W.
Fréchette, G.
Frémont, F. -A.
F'rémont, Will.
Froment, E.
Gagnon, Alfred
Ciagnon, Alph.
Gagnon, Georges
Gagnon, Joseph
Gagnon. Léo-J.
Galaice, C.-J.
Galarneau, G.
Galarneau, Joseph
Galipeau, J.
Galipeau, .Mfred
Galipeau, T.-E.
Gamache, Edw.
Garceau, IL-J.
Garneau, H.-J.
Garneau, O.-M.
Gienest, Jos.
Girard, E.
Girard, Francis
Girard, James
Genest, Will.
Goyette, Théo,
Granger, Raymond
Grignon, Wilfrîd
Hébert. E.-M.
Hébert. Fred.
Hébert, Georges
Hébert, Louis-E.
Hébert, Dr, R.-A.
Hébert, R.-J.
Hébert, Wilfrid
Houle, C.
Houle, H.-J.
Tanotte, Georges
Jérôme, L.-G.
Jérôme, Paul
Laberge. C.
Laberge, E.-D.
Lacombe, C.-J.
Laflamme, E,
Laçasse, J.-J.
Lagassé, J,-J.
Lagassé, Narcisse
Laeassé. Charles
Lahaie, C.
Lajeunesse, Arthur
Lajeunesse, Thaddée
Lemay, \V.
Lambert, F.
Lambert, L,-H.
Lamoureux, E.
Landry, W.
Langlais, Will., photo here submitted by his grandson, Bill Simmons:

Langlois, Alfred
Lanoue, D.
Lanoue, Léo
Lanthier, H.
Laplante, Alph.
Laplante, David
Laporte, Louis
Landry, E.-L.
Lavallée, Will.
Lavallée, Emmanuel
Lavallée, Ernest
Lavigne, Alex.-J.
Lavigne, Clarence
Lavigne, John-G.
Lavigne, Ralph.
Lavigne, Will.
Lefebvre, Paul
Lagassé, S.
Lagassé, Will.
Lessard, W.
Lévesque, Rév., H.-P,
Lévesque, John
Loiselle, A.
Lucas, H.-J.
Lussier, R.-H.
Lambert, Geo.-B.
Malo, W.
Maltais, P.
Maltais, U.-F.
Marchand. Alfred
Marcil, E.-B.
Marcil, Georges
Marcil, M.-L.
Marcil, Victor
Marcil, William
Marcoux, Alfred
Marois, H.-R.
Marsolais, A. -G.
Mayott, Z.-J. "i
Messier, A.-J.
Michaud, C.
Michaud, T.
Mingonet, A.-J.
Monat, Will.
Mongeau, L.-P.
Montmarquet, E.-A.
Montmarquet, Jos.-L.
Moquin, Léo
Morin, Albert
Morin. Raoul
Morin, Jean
Mosseau, C.-J.
Mosseau, Georges
Nadeau, F.-J.
Nolin, Nap.
Normandin, L.-A.
Ouellette, E.-W.
Ouimette, Ernest
Ouimette, Eugène
Ouimette, F.-J.
Ouimette, H.-J.
Ouimette, Rod.
Page, A.-B.
Page, E.-W.
Palin, O.-L.
Paquet, Léo
Patenaude, Jos.-N.
Patenaude. Léo-J.
Fayette, I.
Fayette, Orner
Pellerin, Alph.
Peltier, Will.
Perrault, C.
Perrault, W.-J.
Piché, À.
Pinsonnault, A.-J.
Plouffe, D.-A.
Plouffe, J.-A.
Poulet, O.
Potvin, A.-J.
Pouliot, O.
Pouliot, U.-Eug.
Provost, A.-J.
Provost, Alph.
Provost, Georges
Provost, Léo-E.
Provost. Joseph
Provost, Virgil
Robitaille. W.-G.
Revoir, H.
Riberdy, E.
Riel, H.
Rivet, Léo
Robert, L.
Robert, Arthur
Robert, F.
Robert, N.-L.
Robillard, O.-P.
Robillard, E.-A.
Robillard, H.-A.
Robitaille, E.-A.
Robitaille, H.-A.
Rocheleau, W.-G.
Roulier. E.
Roulier, H,
Roux, W,
Roy, Arthur
St-Hilaire, Alfred 
St-Hilaire, Arthur
St-Esprit, W.
Sauvageau, W,-C.
Savoie, Alfred
Sénécal, Georges-H.
Soral, P,
Soulier, P,
Soulière, Ewd.
Surprenant, Louis
Surprenant, Nap. -M.
Surprenant, Léo-P.
Tessier, E.-C.
Tessier, Louis-A.
Terriault, O.
Therrien, D.
Therrien. Joseph
Thibodeau, J.-J.
Tremblay, C.-G.
Tremblay, G.-R.
Tremblay, H.-Z.
Tremblay, P.-J.
Tremblay, T.-J.
Turcotte, Geo.
Turcotte, Alfred
Trudel, A.-J.
Verchereau, J.
Verchereau, Edouard
Vincelette, A.-J.
Vincelette, H.-V.
Vincelette, E.-F.
White, V.

and more  out of alphabetical order.............
Beaupré, Geo.
Bissonnette, G.
Bouchard, O.
Boudreau, L.
Duval. Léo
Lamoureux, Jos.
Landry, H.
Léonard, E.-J.
Mosseau, Jos,
Pilotte, F.
Casse, Albert
Julien, E.
Marchand, A.
Monat, W.
Palin, Arthur
Audette, H.-J.
Beaupré, N.
Bélanger, H.-B.
Bélanger, R.-L.
Bellerose, E.
Berthiaume, J.
Bertrand, F.
Blanchette, A.
Bouchard, O.
Brouillette. R.-A.
Charbonneau, J.-R.
Clermont, J.-O.
Clermont, Ômer
Collette, E.
Courchaine, J.-L.
Dame, F.-J.
Dérocher, F.
Dérocher, Omer
Dérocher, W.-J.
Durocher, A. -G.
Durocher, Will.
Phaneuf, W.-J.
Fontine, G. -H.
Forget, A.
Girard, W.
Girard, Alfred
Goudreau, E.
Goyette, S. -H.
Laçasse. H.-J.
Landry, Fred.
Leduc, Rév., Paul
Malo, Arthur
Marois, Léo
Miron, J.-I.
Moreau, F.
Mousseau, D.
Normandin, Léo-P.
Ouellette, O.-J. '
Pascal, H.
Patenaude, J.-S.
Piché, E.
Riberdy, E.-J.
Raymond, E.
St-Clair, A.
Tessier, H.-A.
Coutu, Laura-H.
Dandeneault, Rév.. -Arthur

and finally those who died in the cause of the war....

Allery, P.C. 
Brière, Jos. 
Blanchette, J.-T, 
Brière. Alph. 
Durocher, J.-B. 
Palin, Arthur 
Rocheleau, W.-J. 
Surprenant. T.-C. 
Turcotte, Georges 
White, E.-C. 
White, Raymond-P. 
Lambert, G.-B. 
Julien, Edouard 

Oh there's also  glossy inserts with photos of prominent citizens  (who probably paid the publisher to print their photos!)